We have got the bees fed, treated for mites, and ready for winter. After all the rain we had last year, we made sure to feed well this year. Never fed pollen substitutes much before in the fall. But after last year we did lots of pollen feeding this year, which has made a big difference in buildup and numbers going into winter. After an effective mite treatment in August (Apivar) we followed up in late October and in early November with a couple of OA sublimation treatments, when mostly brood less, to clean up before winter season. Bees are looking better than ever this year, we have more colonies than ever, and am looking to continue expanding next year. After another great season we want to thank our great customers and looking to meeting new customers next year. Our nucs and queens are available to reserve on our website for spring of 2023. As of now we are not raising our prices this year.
Thanks again, Barry

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