2025 – 5 Frame Northern Nuc Colony with VSH Carniolan Queen



These nucs will have a Premium open mated VSH Carniolan Queen.

Current estimated pickup date is Later in June.

All Nucs Are First Reserved First Served! 

This year we will be offering deep and medium frame nucs and are from our local Northern Stock.

Nucs will be ready starting in late May – early June, for early nucs please order early. We are not selling early queens to expediate getting our nucs out earlier this year. The pickup dates will be weekly with smaller groups to expedite and personalize the experience. We are a local company that has been providing local premium honey bees for 11 years.  These Nucs are from WNY survivor stock with a 11-year breeding program to create strong wintering honeybees. We specialize in high quality queens that are calm and thrive in our climate. We enjoy helping our customers and answer any questions you may have.

$185 Total cost for Nuc, $85 deposit required to reserve Nuc, balance due when you pickup your Nuc

5 Frame Local Nucs (nucleus) Carniolan bees on deep or medium frames with a open mated and laying queen in a nuc box for you to keep. We have great genetics from, imported Slovenian Carniolan stock from New River Honey Bees,  VSH, Saskatraz, Michael Palmer, and many other quality genetics to create our Western NY hardy stock. We graft from a variety of II breeder queens and local select stock. Our queens are open mated with our great drones. We have yards on both directions of our breeding yard for strong drone diversity and reliability. The nucs will contain a vigorously laying queen with brood in all stages, including honey and pollen. My queens are raised from our hygienic stock. My bees are mild mannered, winter hardy and good producers. These are northern non-migrator bees. Nucs consist of 2+ frames of brood, 2 frames of food(honey & pollen), and 1 new or partial frame.  Nucs to be picked up in Sinclairville, NY. Deposit of $85 will reserve your nucs with balance due at time of pickup. My spring mite counts were 0 from NYS inspection 3 years in a row and I have no small hive beetles in the spring. These are northern non-migrator bees. These bees are local so they wont bee the early available mass produced bees from the south, but being from our area they have survived the winter have strong genetics to thrive in our climate. The deposit is non-refundable unless I cannot get the bees for you. I start taking orders in the fall so if you order in April or May you will be low on the list and wont get yours bees till late June or July depending on the weather. If you need your bees early order them from the south, I cannot get them that early! I live in the extreme lake effect snowbelt area, this will affect our weather!



Nuc dates may vary depending on weather.
All bees are inspected and certified by New York State.

Pay a deposit of $85.00 per item


$185 Total cost for Nuc, $85 deposit required to reserve Nuc

5 Frame Local Nucs (nucleus) Carniolan bees on deep or medium frames with a open mated and laying queen in a nuc box for you to keep. These Nucs are from WNY survivor stock with a 10-year breeding program to create strong wintering honeybees. We specialize in high quality queens that are calm and thrive in our climate.  Our great bee genetics are from, imported Slovenian Carniolan stock from New River Honey Bees,  VSH, Saskatraz, Michael Palmer, and many other quality stock to create our Western NY hardy stock. We graft from a variety of II breeder queens and local select stock. Our queens are open mated with our great drones. We have yards on both directions of our breeding yard for strong drone diversity and reliability. The nucs will contain a vigorously laying queen with brood in all stages, including honey and pollen. My queens are raised from my hygienic stock. My bees are mild mannered, winter hardy and good producers. These are northern non-migrator bees. Nucs consist of 2+ frames of brood, 2 frames of food(honey & pollen), and 1 new or partial frame.  Nucs to be picked up in Sinclairville, NY. Deposit of $85 will reserve your nucs with balance due at time of pickup. My spring mite counts were 0 from NYS inspection 3 years in a row and I have no small hive beetles in the spring. These are northern non-migrator bees. These bees are local so they wont bee the early available mass produced bees from the south, but being from our area they have survived the winter have strong genetics to thrive in our climate. The deposit is non-refundable unless I cannot get the bees for you. I start taking orders in the fall so if you order in April or May you will be low on the list and wont get yours bees till late June or July depending on the weather. If you need your bees early order them from the south, I cannot get them that early! I live in the extreme lake effect snowbelt area, this will affect our weather!



Additional information

Weight 30 lbs
Dimensions 20 × 9 × 10 in
Frame Size

Deep Frames, Medium Frames


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