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Winter 2020

Strong 8 Frames! Half of our colonies are single 10 frame or 5/5 and most look like this.

The winter has been mild with temperatures all over the place. We have only had around 4′ of snow and at this point has all melted with little to no snow banks, kind of a strange winter. I’m guessing that later this month and February we will end up with colder and snowier conditions. We have been monitoring the bees and they are looking great with almost zero losses so far this year. They have gone through their sugar boards on the top but are still in the lower boxes on the 5/5 setups. I will be replenishing their sugar board supplies this week to make sure they have enough food to get through the next couple months. We are preparing for next year getting our nuc boxes and frames built. As you know beekeeping is a lot of work, especially when you have lots of colonies. Our nuc and package sales are going good this year so get your orders in for early pick up. Happy Beekeeping and think spring!